Lucia Kilger, Sound design
Lucia Kilger completed her master’s degree in electronic music composition after studies with Michael Beil at the Cologne Academy of Music and Dance in July 2019. As a production assistant of Ensemble Garage, she is involved in the technical planning and implementation of intermedia concert formats (Hindsgavl Festival 2018, Ruhrtriennale 2018: ›Plug & Play Me‹; Tonlagen 2019 - Hellerau – European Centre for the Arts: ›Keep Quiet and Dance‹, Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen 2019: ›Sky and Heaven‹). Furthermore, she works as a sound director and technician for OMSLO – bureau for music technology, and is part of the executive board of FRAU MUSICA NOVA. Having trained as image and sound media designer in Mainz and completed several years of work as an image and sound technician in the live broadcasting field, at the theatre and on film sets gave Lucia Kilger the basis for her artistic treatment of music, electronics and mediality, finally leading her to the Music Academy in Trossingen. There, she began studying music design with Florian Käppler, Norbert Fröhlich and Luís Antunes Pena. She completed her complementary practical semester at the SWR’s Experimental Studio in Freiburg; as part of this she was the sound director for the festivals ›Der Sommer in Stuttgart‹ and ›Ebneter Kultursommer‹ and worked as a sound technician on the world premiere of Hans Thomalla’s opera ›Kaspar Hauser‹ at the Freiburg Municipal Theatre in 2016.